518e411f6f Source cycle[edit]. Therefore, it has less influence on soil fertility than the active organic fraction. It can form hydroxyl radicals (OH) when it decomposes, which will react with the organic matter to shut down the problem of biofouling.[18]. View full text Advances in AgronomyVolume 68, 1999, Pages 130, 30A, 30B, 3158Edited By Donald L. ^ George Aiken, United States of America, United States Geological Survey, Organic Matter in Ground Water, 2002, 1 May 2007 .
The best way to characterize organic matter is by discovering chemical, physical, and thermodynamic properties of the matter. Bibliography[edit]. Switch to Mobile Site Recommended articles No articles found. With the intention of establishing a systematic understanding of soil organic matter, he has compiled facts and a discussion of humus based on his extensive experimental results during the past 40 years. Mineral soils form most of the worlds cultivated land and may contain from a trace to 30 percent organic matter. "Natural Organic Matter Stabilizes Carbon Nanotubes in the Aqueous Phase." Abstract. doi:10.1016/S0038-0717(00)00084-5. Larger molecules of organic matter can be formed from the polymerization of different parts of already broken down matter.[citation needed] The composition of natural organic matter depends on its origin, transformation mode, age, and existing environment, thus its bio-physico-chemical functions vary with different environments.[4]. Combining compost, plant or animal materials/waste, or green manure with soil will increase the amount of humus in the soil.
Gayglen replied
450 weeks ago